Posted on 07-16-2015
Copy and paste the embed code above to put this step-by-step nail art tutorial on your web site.
Step 1: Apply Yellow Nail Polish as base. Once its dry, Add matte top coat.\n\nStep 2 : Stick 2 horizontal straight Vinyls or striping tapes. Fill in black nail polish with help of nail art brush.\n\nStep 3: Remove vinyls immediately when its wet. This gives sharp and accurate straight line.\n\nStep 4: Add 2 black nail polish using largest dotting tool head. Make sure dots are adjacent to each other. This is important part of Minion nails design.\n\nStep 5 : Once black dots are semi dry, add 2 white nail polish dots using smaller dotting tool head. \nStep 6: When white dots are semi wet add Mustard seeds or brown caviar beads for eye balls. Draw different facial expressions using nail art brush. \nStep 7: Stick a french tip guide covering half on nail. Apply Blue nail polish. Remove the vinyls immediately.\nStep 8: Cut small strands of black thread. Dip it in clear polish. Attach on cuticle side randomly.\nStep 9: Cut out Small piece from old denim fabric. Draw curve line at the back side of the fabric piece. \nWhen the blue polish is semi wet, attach denim piece onto nails matching curved shape of blue polish (as shown in previous step). Press from all sides to make sure it is well attached. Using a cuticle scissor trim off excess denim piece forming shape of nail.