Acrylic Hates Me 2


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Posted on February 08, 2016
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Anyone have any suggestions? Shellac gives me reactions too. I'm gutted.


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PolishAddiction - Commented 8 years ago
Maybe you are allergic to acrylics. You should go for regular polish. Just a thought
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Kitty41 - Commented 8 years ago
Did you see a doctor already it looks like an infection to me
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JaeRae - Commented 8 years ago
Ow ow ow. Stop all use of chemicals. Get the extra length and the lifted part cut off and treat it with Dr. G's until it heals and us reattached. Get some pure jojoba oil and use it two or three times a day to combat brittleness. Be aware that gel products shrink way more than acrylic when they cure and can have the power over time to lift the nail from the bed. Good luck. Feel better.
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Tor - Commented 8 years ago
Thanks ladies. Apparently just a run of the mill allergy to acrylates. No infection but still raw & sore. Ive been reading about SNS dipping system, any thoughts? I need a mentor or guru...
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JaeRae - Commented 8 years ago
Most of your dipping systems will be cyanoacrylate based.
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JaeRae - Commented 8 years ago
Allergies to acrylates. This includes gel acrylic and nail glue. All are sensitizing agents. This means we are not naturally allergic to them. We build up an allergy through repeated contact. Getting acrylic monomer and gel and nail glues on our skin brings us one step closer to the allergy with every instance if contact.
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tigriffith - Commented 8 years ago
Been there, had that. Nails lifted off bed. Nothing until it heals. You are in a hyper inflammatory state. Benadryl for antihistamine (cream) and NSAID for swelling. Do your manicure a couple days before application. Use a good silicone/dimethicone hand product before you do your nails to block contact with the nail products. Removes off nail plate with polish remover. Then I used Backscratchers dip to start. After a long while (6 mos-year) I could use the Gelish Recovery under polish, BUT MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GET ANY ON YOUR SKIN. I can use gels again but my cuticles still itch and swell if I am not careful. You can be more careful with gel or glue/powder combo than acrylic. I also switched to hard gel so I don't have to expose my cuticles to the 2 week soak off. I have not tried the peel off cuticle products but those might work if you are not allergic to latex as well. Good luck. (20 yr RPh/nails)

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