NTNA Top 18 Pre Challenge 2 Uluru Mural


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My Uluru mural was inspired by my favourite visual artist, Australian photographer, Ken Duncan. I have loved Ken's panoramic landscape photography for as long as I can remember. Photography as an art form, is hard to capture on a nail without the use of decals, so I chose to paint my landscape design emulating the small, short brush strokes commonly found on a Monet masterpiece. Using Monet's technique I was able to combine various shades of color to achieve my own panoramic landscape design.

Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

I began my design by applying a white base layer to my prepared nails and then lightly drawing a rough outline of my image.

I began my design by applying a white base layer to my prepared nails and then lightly drawing a rough outline of my image.  

To apply the sky, I used short brush strokes in various blues.

To apply the sky, I used short brush strokes in various blues.  

Next, I outlined the rock and then began coloring it in with differing hues of orange and brown, shading it to show the finer details that Uluru is known for.

Next, I outlined the rock and then began coloring it in with differing hues of orange and brown, shading it to show the finer details that Uluru is known for.  

Then I applied my signs and added the highway. I chose to use longer strokes for this part of the design to give it an elongated effect. Some more orange earth was also added to the edges of the road.

Then I applied my signs and added the highway. I chose to use longer strokes for this part of the design to give it an elongated effect. Some more orange earth was also added to the edges of the road.  

For the grass, I began by applying a dark shade of green to the bottom of the rock and some lighter shades closer to the highway

For the grass, I began by applying a dark shade of green to the bottom of the rock and some lighter shades closer to the highway  

Then I began applying short brush strokes in various shades of green to depict the grass as it fades in the distance. I also added some foliage and trees using the same short brush strokes.

Then I began applying short brush strokes in various shades of green to depict the grass as it fades in the distance. I also added some foliage and trees using the same short brush strokes.  

Finally, I added the grass and foliage to the thumb to complete the landscape.

Finally, I added the grass and foliage to the thumb to complete the landscape.  

Here is my completed panoramic landscape of Central Australia's iconic, Uluru (Ayers Rock).

Here is my completed panoramic landscape of Central Australia's iconic, Uluru (Ayers Rock).  


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NTNA Top 18 Pre Challenge 2 Uluru Mural - Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

8 steps

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