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Posted on February 18, 2013
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Step-by-step tutorial done by ARROJO Cosmetology School student

Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

First, paint a base coat and one coat of desired base color

First, paint a base coat and one coat of desired base color  

Then, using white polish, create two domes shaped like the top of a heart and connected in the center. Use a small dotter to add dots to top of domes. Next, use pink polish to brush a second set of smaller domes on top of white polish. Use small dotter to add pink dots to top of domes.

Then, using white polish, create two domes shaped like the top of a heart and connected in the center. Use a small dotter to add dots to top of domes. Next, use pink polish to brush a second set of smaller domes on top of white polish. Use small dotter to add pink dots to top of domes.  

Use small dotter and base color to add dots in center of white dots. Then, use white polish and small dotter to add dots in center of pink polish.

Use small dotter and base color to add dots in center of white dots. Then, use white polish and small dotter to add dots in center of pink polish.  

To finish, let dry and add top coat

To finish, let dry and add top coat  

hand-painted     valentine's day     heart     romantic     nail art     doily     cosmetology school     beauty school

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