NTNA Pre-Challenge 1 "Cover Artist"


Most Popular Nail Art Of The Week



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We were asked to to create a hand-painted design inspired by a NAILS Magazine cover. There are 30 plus years of covers to choose from, picking just one was the first battle. I knew my first challenge should definitely be a cover from the year I started doing nails, 1987. I was drawn to Aprils issue because my grandmother bought me my first nesting doll when I was with her in Poland at the age of seven. Dating as far back to the 1890’s, the Matryoshka Doll is now known as the Russian Nesting Doll. They made their way in popularity to surrounding Slovak nations as a beloved toy among little girls. Although it’s familiar 3 dimensional gourd shape is prevalent in all varieties of the nesting dolls, the painted doll designs are mostly 1 dimensional in nature. Today you can find many dolls made from the likenesses of world leaders to celebrities. The cover theme for the April issue was “Grasping Opportunities ~ Release your Inner Potential”. I chose to give my nesting doll interpretation a bright and fresh updated look while expressing a story of capturing and releasing creative art design.

Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

Begin by applying all the base colors of your choice.  Next paint the shapes that will be the foundation of your dolls.

Begin by applying all the base colors of your choice. Next paint the shapes that will be the foundation of your dolls.  

To add depth to the dolls, paint darker colors as shown.  Next use some lighter complimenting colors to create highlights.

To add depth to the dolls, paint darker colors as shown. Next use some lighter complimenting colors to create highlights.  

Add little details to make your design flow and compliment each other.  Finally, using a soft black, sparingly paint areas of your design that you want to pop.

Add little details to make your design flow and compliment each other. Finally, using a soft black, sparingly paint areas of your design that you want to pop.  

To give your nails a vintage look, apply a matte top coat.  This will smooth and blend your colors and create a softer design.  If this set is something that you aren't used to wearing, just try doing one of these designs on your accent nail for a pretty pop of color. Now go and be pretty all over the place! :)

To give your nails a vintage look, apply a matte top coat. This will smooth and blend your colors and create a softer design. If this set is something that you aren't used to wearing, just try doing one of these designs on your accent nail for a pretty pop of color. Now go and be pretty all over the place! :)  

nail art     nails     nail design     ntna     Gel-Polish     handpainted     nails ntna     ntna top 24

5 Artists like this Photo


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getbuffednails - Commented 9 years ago
Beautiful job! Love the pastels xx
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nailbarLoungePRO - Commented 9 years ago
Thank U Luvie! Ur work is FaBulous!OxO

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NTNA Pre-Challenge 1 "Cover Artist" - Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

4 steps

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