Colorful Passion NAILSNTNAtop18


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Posted on June 23, 2014
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So for our first challenge, we were to find an artist that we liked and use their style on a set of nails, but yet adding our touch. I chose Carla Banks. I immediately fell in love with all the vibrant colors, shapes and how everything had a touch of balck and white. Here is my masterpiece!

Step-by-Step Nail Art Tutorial

Start by sculpting a set of almond nails. Then apply gel polish . Use a form to protect the skin for your next step.

Start by sculpting a set of almond nails. Then apply gel polish . Use a form to protect the skin for your next step.  

With room temp water add different colors of polish, and with a wooden stick create a design.

With room temp water add different colors of polish, and with a wooden stick create a design.  

With a striper brush write love in white nail polish,and then outline it with black polish.

With a striper brush write love in white nail polish,and then outline it with black polish.  

Add more detail in the letters. With red polish drawn a flower and outline with black .

Add more detail in the letters. With red polish drawn a flower and outline with black .  

With a striper, and different colors of polish create different shapes on the pinky nail and add black lines.

With a striper, and different colors of polish create different shapes on the pinky nail and add black lines.  

 Use a fine glitter to fill in some of the shapes.

Use a fine glitter to fill in some of the shapes.  

On a sponge put some colors and dab it on the thumb.

On a sponge put some colors and dab it on the thumb.  

With white and black draw a heart and add glitter to the base of the nail.

With white and black draw a heart and add glitter to the base of the nail.  

On the back of the nails, add more color and shapes and outline with black.

On the back of the nails, add more color and shapes and outline with black.  

Tadaaa!!! Topcoat is optional

Tadaaa!!! Topcoat is optional  

hand-painted     colorful     art     acrylics     marbling     nailsntnatop18

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